A multidimensional performance, a singular scenography and a light show that translates the fluffy and cosmic atmosphere of the music to push the experience to its climax.
A pop from the near future, when the barriers between musical styles will no longer be anything but abstract concepts.
A succulent UFO with a colorful appearance and very relaxed trajectories.
Pan Galactic Garden strikes at the heart of the alien that slumbers in us, with the perfect pop of a planet where the "smooth attitude" would be a generalized custom.
Between soul, dub, funk and influences from all over the world (from Africa to Japan via India), the duo weaves a psychedelic pop that is both enveloping and daring.
The funniest duo in the indie universe masters the deliquescence of everyday life with humor and accuracy, in a subtle sequence of basses, keyboards and drums to make the most refractory among us chill without remorse.
INDIE TAPES, 20/02/23
The rhythm is very relaxing and trippy at the same time, while the surfy wah-wah riffs and the smooth vocals add a fantastic psychedelic flavor to the music.
LITZIC, 18/11/21
A sexy and delicate groove, a smooth music which, like a juice coming from the Garden of Eden, would flow into our eardrums to simply invade us with a feeling of well-being close to bliss.
KAO, 09/12/21
A compendium of stellar tracks that are reminiscent of bands like Pink Floyd, distorted hallucinogenic experiments, a funky groove and crystalline guitars that support a kaleidoscopic vocals.